Friday, May 13, 2011

Ready, Set, Write!

“Carpe diem” My decision to create a blog was fueled by my recent graduation and my entrance into the real world! I was prompted to create this blog from a trending topic on twitter that I started in celebration of my parent’s wedding anniversary. From the responses that I received, I realized that their wisdom is something that I should share more often. My family is a very traditional Southern family. Some may even call us “country!” But no matter what my family is structured on great family values and most of all, love. When you think of a traditional Southern family you think of all day church on Sundays, sweet tea & lemonade, Juneteenth celebrations, summers in the country, big family gatherings & holidays, and tons of traditions. Well that describes my family. I am proud to be raised on collard greens and cornbread and participating in holiday family raffles. Yes! A family raffle, complete with prizes and all!  I embrace my southern roots and being called a southern belle is a term of endearment for me. There is so much wisdom that I wish to share from my hilarious family, so this blog will be my outlet. I hope that I don’t disappoint.

I finally feel like I have evolved from the naïve freshman living in Cropper Hall to the refined young woman working on South Beach. My college career was filled with fun, laughs, tears, heartbreak, falling in love, partying, and so many memories. Now that that chapter of my life is closed, it’s time to get more involved in my passions. So I decided to start with writing! The new chapter of my life can now be described as “my grown & sexy lifestyle.” Soon I will be moving to Miami to start my career working for a public relations and marketing agency in entertainment, fashion, special events, and luxury brands. I am risking it all to chase my dream and what better way to chronicle this time in my life but blog about it?

I am excited for what is in store for my life! Enjoying my life is a must. I will give readers a peak into my crazy world: the start of my career, my southern charm, and teachings from my crazy family. Be prepared because you are in store for quite an adventure of: the country girl meets the city!

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